Hoehenweg Logo Hoehenweg ISO Logo

Öffnungszeiten Kletterpark:
Mo - Fr: 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr | Sa + So, Feiertage
& Schulferien in Niedersachsen 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Für Gruppen und Teams jederzeit nach Absprache

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The climbing park

Training & Consulting

Experiential education

Company trips

Group (3)

Family and leisure – action and fun with the whole family

Take up the challenge! Whether with the whole family or simply on your own, fun is guaranteed!

Get out into nature: experience some thrills, train your strength, dexterity, coordination and agility. Alone, with family or friends, relax, clear your head and spend an eventful day.

If that’s what you want, you’ve come to the right place!

With over 150 climbing stations on 5 floors and several ropeways, our HöhenwegArena is the largest climbing park of its kind in the world built with masts. Climbing tasks of varying degrees of difficulty offer each of our guests a suitable challenge and, of course, lots of climbing fun.

  • Climbing with the family
  • Celebrate your birthday
  • Relaxation and fun
  • Enjoy your free time
Group (3)

The security system in the HöhenwegArena!

Safety has the highest priority!
The combination of:

  • qualified staff,
  • the design of the system and
  • of the climbing and safety equipment

enables our guests to enjoy a carefree climbing experience tailored to their personal needs. Safety managers, trainers, rescuers and supervisors are always there for you!

We are a member of the IAPA e.V (International Adventure Park Association) and work according to their standards. It goes without saying that both the construction and operation comply with the DIN standard for high ropes courses (DIN EN standard 15567-1 and 15567-2).

We have opted for a permanent safety system that guarantees the greatest possible safety against falls and at the same time flexibility in the choice of tasks in the HöhenwegArena.

How does it work?

The belay system consists of two carabiners that are alternately hooked into the wire ropes tensioned at the stations. There are two special features: Firstly, the carabiners are secured by being connected to each other by a cable. 
This means that if one carabiner is open, the second carabiner can no longer be opened. Secondly, the carabiners can only be closed at certain points. The carabiner has, so to speak the function of a key that only allows opening on the matching lock. 
Whether at a height of 90 cm or 30 m, in easy or difficult tasks, everyone can find the right, appropriate challenge here. There is no predetermined course. Climbers choose the climbing stations that are right for them based on their personal balance of courage, strength, endurance and fun.  


Who has the choice …

Snacks on site:

Directly at the HöhenwegArena we have drinks and small snacks ready for you. You are also welcome to bring your own food. There is a barbecue area where you can “sizzle” your steaks to your heart’s content. Barbecues with charcoal are available for hire. 

Or you can go out to eat:

About 150 meters away, the restaurant of the Hotel Camp Reinsehlen awaits you with its excellent cuisine.

Still undecided?

Do you still have questions? Please feel free to write to us:

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